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Equipment & Uniform Requierments


Reversible Jerseys or Pinnies 
Every athlete will be issued a reversible jersey or pinnie, which is to be worn to every clinic, practice or game. They will be distributed the at the first meeting of the team by coaches. Each coach will have their own method for distributing jerseys; please do not ask for a specific number or jersey, unless prompted to by the coach.

Generally, the jerseys and pinnies are sized so that the lower #s be the smallest and the higher #s be the largest.

Team keep costs down, we collect, wash and reissue our jerseys and pinnies each season. Do not write your name or uniquely mark your issued uniform.

ALL jerseys & pinnies will be collected at the end of the season.


All players indicated a size for their shorts/skorts during registration. The cost for these are included in your registration and are yours to keep. Shorts are for grades 1st-4th and skorts are for grades 5th-8th. These will be distributed at a TBD time - typically at a preseason event. If you cannot pick up at the preseason event, an alternate date/time will be provided.

5th-8th grade skorts are to be worn for games only and are considered part of the uniform.

Travel Teams
Coaches/Teams will decide for each game the color of socks and under layers for game play (t-shirt, leggings, etc.). 


While many of our athletes have their own unique style off the field, on the field DJFH has style rules that we may enforce for player safety. 

Jewelry - Rule changes in 2023 removed all restrictions on jewelry. Athletes may wear earrings and other jewelry. However, we ask that athletes and parents use common sense. DJFH policy is that coaches may ask players to remove certain jewelry items if they believe they are a danger to the athlete or others.

Hair - DJFH's recommendation is that hair should always be pulled back, in a pony tail, braid or bun, so that it does not cover the eyes of the athlete. This is a safety issue. 



For every Clinic, Practice or Game all athletes MUST have the following 4 items before stepping on the turf.​​

  1. Stick
    Fun Fact: Field hockey sticks are standard, meaning athletes use the same stick if they are right-hand or left-hand dominant
  2. Shin Guards
    • 1st-4th grade can use soccer shin guards.
    • 5th-8th MUST use field hockey shin guards
  3. Mouthguard
  4. Reversible Jersey/Pinnie (DJFH issued, see Uniform Section for requirements)

Players are required to have a mouthguard and shin guards or they will not be allowed to play due to player safety concerns, NO EXCEPTIONS.


While not required, DJFH highly recommends the following:

  • Turf Shoes or Cleats
    All DJFH games are played on field turf. For field turf the best footwear can be turf shoes or cleats. The grip allows you to change direction well and allow for safer play in wet conditions. Turf shoes, for field hockey, are often made with additional protection like toe reinforcement for impacts from the ball and water. 
  • Water Bottle
    Please bring your own water bottle, to prevent the spread of viruses and germs we discourage athletes from sharing water bottles. 


  • Field Hockey Glove
    While considered required equipment by most for indoor field hockey, many athletes choose to wear a glove for outdoor play as well. Field hockey gloves are helpful to protect players' hands from abrasions, stick checks and contact with balls and can help with skills, like tackling, more confidently. There are both left-handed and right-handed gloves. Most players that choose to wear a glove only wear one on the left hand for outdoor and many players choose to wear both for indoor. 
  • Rash Guards
    Rash guards can be helpful in preventing rashes for athletes that wear shin guards often. Not only can rash guards help prevent rashes, they can extend the life of shin guards.
  • Eyeguards (ASTM F803 Standards for Field Hockey)
    Optional as of Fall 2021
  • Corner Masks
    Corner Masks are worn for penalty corners in our 5th-8th Grade programs. DJFH provides communal masks for corner plays and they are required for league play. Athletes may provide bring their own masks (note: this is very rare) 

Field hockey gloves are helpful to protect players' hands from abrasions, stick checks and contact with balls and will help when the colder weather starts. They are not required

Goalie Gear

DJFH provides goalie gear. However, athletes may use their own equipment.

Here are a few external references to aid in choosing your stick and equipment.